Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bucky O'Hare and the Anthropomorphic Question

I’m not sure if I’ve posted my reflections here or elsewhere on the anthropomorphic tendency creative types have in turning creatures into beings that relate very much like humans. Or even making up creatures and giving them human tendencies. It’s a baffling exercise and tendency and particularly pronounced in children’s cartoons and other programmes – ducks, bunnies, cats, canaries, pigs, bears, dogs, frog, rats, roosters, chickens … no animal is safe from becoming a human as we understand it and yet for all the attention we pay they always remain animals incapable of saving the universe, engaging in wise-crack conversations or offering advice as to how to defeat the evil forces of (insert villain’s name here).

Still, when I was growing up at home to my loving television these tales kept me amused and even if I didn’t remember the stories themselves I remembered the theme tunes. Enjoy.

da man cd

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